How can you prevent Back Pain

The Best Way to Recover from Back Pain
Back pain can happen due to multiple reasons, anyplace, during practically any sort of action. The unexpected beginning of pain caused by lifting, bending, or bowing is most frequently because of a muscle strain. As we age, we become more inclined to muscle strains, and our muscles lose flexibility.
The vast majority can distinguish the injury or action that caused their back pain. And this pain can be caused by daily simple actions. And you may likewise have back stiffness, less movement, and trouble standing straight.
There are numerous things you can do at home to help your back back feel far improved and forestall future back torment.
• Stopping the regular intense activities for the first few days to reduce back pain. This helps calm the symptoms and reduce swelling (if it’s there).
• Applying heat or ice pads in the painful area.
• Pain killers can be consumed for instant relief, but this is not the permanent solution.
• Sleeping in the right position with the help of a pillow or folded towel to reduce pressure from the back.
• DO NOT lift heavyweight and avoid exercising for a few days.
How to get rid of from back pain: the steps to recovery
- Eat well to help you heal – Having a nutritious meal is important for any recovery from back pain as the healing process needs good care of the body. Having a balanced meal is very important in recovering from back pain. Having unnecessary calories can be converted into fat which can slow down the body’s recovery. Also, having a good protein intake is essential to help the soft tissues heal. And having a proper intake of fresh fruits and vegetables can further provide all the required vitamins and minerals for healing.
• Gets proper sleep to support the healing process – Getting appropriate sleep is important for physical as well as emotional recovery. One of the best ways to help you get good sleep is to include physical exercise in your routine. This can help you sleep better which would further aid to recovery. - Have controlled medication – We know that medication could help in getting instant relief from back pain, but this is not the permanent solution. Pain killers are addictive and can also affect your mental and physical health, so it is important to consume these as little as possible. There are so many other ways that can help with physical pain like Physiotherapy, Chiropractic care, etc. These methods are proven to provide permanent recovery for intense and long-lasting pains.
- Getting proper exercise – Exercising is essential in any back pain, but it must be controlled and gradual and is best when there is professional assistance. Sometimes the cause of the pain could be a strain or muscle pull which could be treated with the help of professionals. You can also take professional help from Physiotherapists and Chiropractors, and at Relevium we have all these services available from the comfort of your home.
- Stop smoking to improve oxygen flow to the spine – We know the effects of smoking, but little do we know that it could catalyze back pain by disturbing the oxygen flow to the spine. So if you smoke, then it is necessary to quit smoking for better recovery from back pain.
Tips to maintain good posture and prevent back pain
Posture is the position in which you hold your body while sitting, standing, or sleeping. Having the right posture helps you to put less pressure on ligaments and muscles which helps you perform daily activities in an effective and efficient way.
Here are a few physiotherapy tips that can help you maintain a good posture:
• It is very important to identify the warning signs of wrong posture and poor ergonomics.
• It is important to keep the body aligned while sitting, working, or standing. Sit straight with the ears, shoulder, and hips aligned in a vertical line and while standing make sure that you are not leaning on one side.
• It is important to move frequently and to take regular breaks while working as sitting for a long time can cause strain in muscles and it also puts extra pressure on the back and neck.
• Use ergonomically designed chairs and props to make your work more comfortable.
• Become aware of postures and ergonomics in everyday settings.
• Exercise to prevent injury.
• Wear good, supportive, and comfortable footwear.
• Remember to include good postures and ergonomics in daily activities.
How to prevent aches and back pain while working on a computer
Most people spend maximum time in front of their computer screens these days, without even knowing its impact on their body. They stress their body by not maintaining a good posture, sitting without any footrest, or extending their wrist too much. These practices can affect your muscles and create long-lasting pain. So, this has become very important to prevent back pain while working on computer.
• Setting up a comfortable workstation – We cannot deny that computer screens have become an essential part of our everyday work but by creating an ergonomically designed workstation we can reduce the level of stress it creates on the body.
• Setting keyboard and mouse in the right position – While setting up the mouse and keyboard, you must consider reducing unnecessary stress on your wrist, fingers, arm, and shoulders by keeping those in as relaxing a position as possible.
• Position of the monitor – The monitor must be positioned slightly below your eye level and should be at least an arm’s distance from your face.
• Position of the chair – The position of the chair is very important to maintain a good posture and to prevent any back pain. The chair should support your back in an upright arch position. If you feel that your chair is not providing enough support to the back then try putting a cushion or folded towel in between.
Are you suffering from aches and back pain?
If you are suffering from back pain or body pain and looking out for some solution then you are landed on the right place. We at Relevium provide Physiotherapy services in Delhi NCR. Our goal is to provide mobility, function and well being to our patients. We offer you cost effective physiotherapy services at home in Delhi NCR. We have highly trained professionals who guarantees recovery.
So if you are looking for Physiotherapy in Delhi the look no further, we are here to provide our best services to you. We provide physiotherapist in Delhi and Best physiotherapy services near you. Book our services today and get the best professional services with the comfort of your home.